
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Stuff I've Been Meaning to Tell You

Oh my gosh you guys.  How in the world is it Mid-November?  I feel like since I've been back from Montréal I've had either been sitting at the computer or standing in the kitchen.  It's all cookbook, all the time now, and guess what?  I'm already on the 100th page of my manuscript.  Holy cow.  It took awhile to figure out what the hell I'm doing, but I've managed to find my rhythm and figure out a system that seems to be working well.  I'll write for a couple of days in a row, then bake for a couple of days in a row.  And breathe, and take breaks and get plenty of sleep.  And drink lots of tea.  I'm so excited with what I've written so far.  Goosebumps, I tell you.  So yes, it's busy as all heck, and my tiny kitchen is feeling it.  Some days I'm amazed that I'm birthing a cookbook out of such a small space, with no dishwasher and about 3 feet of counter space.  God bless these organizational skills o' mine.  And the quiet chaos.  

I wasn't joking when I said small space.  My fridge is in the laundry room, for Pete's Sake. 

I've been working on other side projects (cuz the girl has to eat), and I wanted to share some of
them with you.  I'll have a recipe for you soon - promise!

My latest column in Culinare Magazine is all about making your own Chai Latté.  With loads of immune-boosting spices, it's perfect for winter and the impending cold/flu season.  Don't get sick!

I made Jamie Oliver's Roast Chicken in Milk and life will never be the same.  See my take on it in Bridges Newspaper.  I wish you could have been here to smell my kitchen!

For Halloween, these monster cookies were a hit around my house.  They're great any time of year, and also a great vehicle for leftover candy.  Look for my recipe here.  

Check out the Sabatier Canada website for several of my recipes, including this Roasted Pumpkin Soup with Brie.  Others include Praline and Pear Cream Tart, featured above, as well as Braised White Beans with Leeks and Bacon, Sausage and White Bean Cassoulet, French Onion Soup with Garlic Gruyere Croutons, Caramelized Beet Tarte Tatin, and Apple and Almond Galette with Dulce de Leche.  Such an honour to work with all of the fine folks involved.  I'm blessed in so many ways.

Alrighty, back to the manuscript I go.   In the meantime, stay warm and cozy and I'll be back soon.  xoxo

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