
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Good Times: Pizza Party

You know it's going to be a good night when your whole entire kitchen counter is covered in pizza.  That was the scene just last night, as five of my friends and I tried out Panago Pizza's six  new/featured fall pizzas.  It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.  Don't get me wrong - there are a couple of places in the city where I love popping in for their thin-crust, wood-fired artisanal pizzas, but every now and again I want to stay home, wear my pyjamas and have food come to my door.  Preferably pizza. 

We were pretty pumped to open the boxes and see what was inside.  All pizza had loads of cheese and a crust with good chew.  Each medium pizza had 8 slices, which was more than enough for us to feast on.  The Deluxe Tropical Hawaiian had sweet + smoky tropical sauce, bacon, extra Canadian ham, extra pineapple, mozzarella + cheddar.  Like a more loaded version of the original, plus a tangy sauce.  I quite liked this one.  Because extra bacon.  The Steak Mushroom Melt had cheezy cheddar sauce, steak, bacon, sautéed mushrooms, mozzarella + cheddar.  Overall, we thought this stood well on its own, but perhaps a little bland compared to the others.  If you like a white sauce on your pizza, you're in luck.  The Chicken Club had a Jalapeño white sauce, grilled chicken, Canadian ham, bacon, tomatoes + mozzarella.  We felt this one too stood on it's own and was straight up tasty. 

Now, the top three... The Chipotle Chicken had chipotle cilantro sauce, grilled chicken, roasted corn medley seasoned with onion, red + green peppers, topped with mozzarella + cheddar.  I quite enjoyed the smoky flavour as well as the corn and notes of cilantro.  Second place goes to the BBQ Chicken.  BBQ sauce, grilled chicken, bacon, caramelized onions, red peppers, mozzarella + cheddar, made it a bit of a sleeper hit, and most of us agreed we would definitely order it again.  The bacon and caramelized onions were a nice touch.  And the first place winner, which surprised us all, was the Veggie Korma!  With coconut curry sauce, roasted garlic, baby spinach leaves, green peppers, pineapple, hot banana peppers, mozzarella + cheddar cheese, it had the perfect kick of heat, balanced with the sweetness of pineapple and and earthy roasted garlic flavour.  There was nothing left of this pizza at the end of the night.  We demolished it.  We were impressed at the creative take on vegetarian pizza, and I should note than none of us are vegetarian.  We just like vegetables.  A lot.

And that was how I spent my Saturday night!  If you like pizza and like to eat it a lot (I mean, who doesn't?) Panago Pizza has a great contest running right now.  Go to their site and see how you can WIN pizza for a year by taking the #PanagoChallenge.  How amazing would that be?  It's super easy to enter and I encourage you to do so.  I'd love to see one of you stuffing your happy faces with pizza on a regular basis!

 Note:  This post is sponsored by Panago Pizza.  I was compensated monetarily and with their product.  All opinions are mine. 



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