"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.' ~ John Muir
Hello. My name is Renee. Maybe you remember me? I write a food blog called Sweetsugarbean. I know, I know. I can be a cheeky wench. But seriously. Where have I been lately? This space has been so quiet. But life surely hasn't. Let me tell you that. You know when you least expect it, shit just happens. In this case it's been all good. So good. I adopted another kitten. Yes, for real. She lived under my bed for two weeks. Long story; all of it coming soon. Also, I met a boy. Who turned out to be my boyfriend. Long story; all of it coming soon. Maybe now the blog silence is beginning to make sense? Ren's been busy! Plus it's planting time and I've been busy digging in dirt rather than in computerland. If you want to get in touch, I won't be on Twitter of Facebook very much, but in my garden and with my friends. You know. Interacting with real life. Speaking of real life, at the beginning of May I made another visit to the yurt. Maybe you'll remember when I took a little retreat there in the fall? Well, as a birthday present to myself I went back for a couple of sweet days, just to unwind and regroup from the general unpleasantness of winter. It was a long one here, and as you'll see from the following photos, winter was still clinging on a bit up in Northern Sask, but I didn't mind. It was just as spectacular as the first time I went - a tonic for this soul, if there ever was one. Flora Bora is definitely one of my favourite places on the planet, and since my stay there life has been so good. Knock wood, touch wood, whatever you call it. Good feeling, stay with me just a little longer.