If you're wondering why things have been a little quiet around here, it's because I've been living off of a food basket for one week. No, I haven't been stricken financially (knock on wood), I was asked by the Saskatoon Food Bank to participate, along with 24 others, in the Food Basket Challenge - basically living off of the contents of a food basket, plus five pantry items and five dollars to spend on whatever grocery items I like. For one week. It was a terribly, terribly tough, especially given that I work with food,
all day. The smells of meat roasting drove me crazy. The sight of bacon on a cooling rack made me drool just a little. Warm, chewy, chocolate chip cookies that usually have my name on them were just taunting me. Day 2, I had to grill 60 steaks at a BBQ, when I hadn't eaten much all day, and then I went home to leftover dumpling soup with canned peas. (No one should
ever have to eat canned peas.) The worst bit was not being able to eat fresh fruit, or the goodness from my garden, though I did cheat and eat some Swiss chard. On Day 4, I just needed
something green that came out of the ground.